Wave 89 – Read on this edition

Read on this edition

This edition is commemorative of Labour Day. For many, the date signals the end of summer here in Canada. But what evolved into just one more long weekend began as a massive demonstration of the working class on the streets of Toronto. This is what the article by Joanna Dawson shows, which takes a historical approach to how Labor Day in Canada came about in 1872.

Christian Pedersen interviews Brazilian Lieutenant-Colonel Eric Willrich, who talks about his career in the Canadian Armed Forces, including as a member of the Snow Birds, the Royal Canadian Air Force’s aerobatic squadron.

For the music lovers, who would like to stay up to date with Brazilian top hits, read Alethéa Mantovani’s interview with singer Daniel, who tells us about his “new normal” in these pandemic times of Covid-19. The singer Thainá Lopez is also showcased in this edition. Read Rosemary Baptista’s full interview with the Brazilian artist on our online platform and watch the clip of her song “Deixa Eu Te Falar de Amor” (Let Me Tell You About Love).

Last but not least, Eder Pessalacia, specialist in cyber security, talks about digital security for children and adolescents, an important and pertinent subject in these coronavirus times. This issue recipe? Condensed milk pudding. Enjoy the reading!
